Monday, August 22, 2016

"Maintaining a Pure Conscience" - A Message from Acts 22 and 23

Hello Friends,

Have you ever had that "guilty feeling" wherein you know you've broken God's moral code?  Some call it a gut feeling while others describe an inner voice that speaks to them.  God has installed a conscience in each of us. Through this conscience he speaks, directs and corrects us so we might live the purest life possible.

In Acts 22 we see a model for how we can Maintain a Pure Conscience.  Of course, Satan would like to convince you that you are forever guilty, but God, in his marvelous grace, not only forgives but also restores us to purity.

So I hope this message will be helpful to you as you strive to live a life that honors our Heavenly Father. Let me know what you think.

God bless, Kirk McCormick

“Maintaining a Pure Conscience”
Acts 22:30-23:11

“Conscience” = “to know with” or “know together”…

            …inner judge to which God speaks

            …does not set standards, but affirms them

Acts 24:16 - Paul said, “So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.”

Titus 1:15 - “To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not

Monday, August 15, 2016

A Message about "True Inclusivity"

Hello friends,

If you are like me, I grow weary about the elevation of "diversity" and "inclusivity", as if they are the highest virtues and values of our culture.  Since diversity just "is"...meaning, we don't have to work on it since it is simply a part of God's natural order... we really do not need to elevate it so highly since it does not take any effort to achieve "diversity."  Yet, given this elevation of diversity, the world loves to tell us that embracing our diversity is more important than our unity.

In this message I try to dispel the notion that Inclusivity, as defined and manipulated by the world, is the rule of heaven.  I hope you will listen to this word and let me know what you think.  I would appreciate the input.

May God bless you as you listen and respond to His Word.  Again...let me know what you think.

- Kirk McCormick

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The 7 "C's" of Sharing the Jesus Story - A Message from Acts 22:1-21

Evangelism...the very word brings terror to the average Christian's heart. Yet does Sharing the Jesus story  need to be so imposing?
Paul has arrived back in Jerusalem, and his visit did not go unnoticed. Many radical Jews, especially from the Sanhedrin, are angry he is there and want to kill him. However, the Roman commander puts Paul under his custody. On the way to the jail Paul asks to speak to his fellow Jews.
This message reviews Paul's tactic in sharing the Gospel and how his words are a model for the average Disciple to share the Jesus Story.
As the Lord speaks, you will be blessed as you respond.  Let me know what you think.

And if this message is helpful to you, share it with others. God bless you! - Kirk McCormick

The 7 “C’s” of Sharing your “Jesus” Story

1. “C”ourage -
Paul stood his ground for Jesus

Acts 22:1 - “Brothers and fathers, listen now to my defense.”

Recap: Sharing the Jesus Story starts with just a little bit of Courage…